Tuesday, March 25, 2008

and all those other hoochie skanks, they ain't got shit on me

things i'm looking forward to:

1. the summer (even though i don't know what i'm doing)
2. isaac's pageant wagon
3. the party on friday
4. the brunch on saturday, at which i will present an inspirational speech
5. my poetry class's more-than-probable trip to Murphy's
6. finishing my carton of strawberries tomorrow
7. making chocolate chip pancakes in the near future
9. hearing about my mom's SPRING BREAK trip to europe
9. reuniting with my ASB group
10. playing my sold-out show at the catholic worker's house (...?)

things that are helping me through this angsty time i'm having:

1. horrible pop singles that i have been purchasing off of iTunes
2. when isaac does stupid things in paint shop practicum
3. when annah and kinzie make stupid faces at me in theatre history
4. when cameron says weird things
5. when iris drinks wine
6. when al laughs at how stupid some people are
7. shorts
8. the potential of an internship with the National Coalition for the Homeless
9. the potential of guerilla dramaturgy
10. the potential of ultimately ending up with someone who isn't lame


Kinzie said...

um, i've been trying to smile at you. nice to know my looks are being interpreted as ugly... cool. kthxbye.

Michelle said...

Lame people are so...lame. I hope the "horrible pop singles" you're listening to are a lot of angry, girl powery, man-hating music. That shit is good for what ails ya.