Saturday, April 12, 2008

Today Today

Today is Murphy Lipman's birthday. He is 12. it is his golden birthday. Hooray!!

1. My stomach hates me. It is jittery and weird.
2. I wish I were better at writing papers. But I am on page 6 of Valleri's, and it's not great, but I think that I have some moments within it that I can expand on.
3. "Mouthful of Birds" had some really good moments in it. I am proud of my roommate. She is good.

Things to do before the end of the year:

1. Play "Apples to Apples"
2. Revise play, have reading of play
3. Make dinner for Iris (right?)

Things I plan to do in Naperville the second half of May and first half of August:

1. Hang out at the library
2. Bake cookies
3. Start a book club with Bobbie and Jeff Lipman in which we will have scholarly family discussions and I administer pop quizzes to see if they've read the book while said members of family are trying to do legitimate activities, such as paying taxes or my credit card bill or refilling Murphy's dog dish



Kinzie said...


Michelle said...

Whoa there, turbo! Are you interning at Actors Theatre? Because if so, that is so awesome.