Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fiyah haus, JA!

Freshman year, Ernie would yell things out in a faux German accent every time we walked by Firehaus. I think we walked by once. Total. But he yelled some things that one glorious time. Yes he did. Now I'm the one who "tawks like ze Djermahns und makes ze djoks ubout ze Djermahn pahty wis ze peenis rhouund of ze beehr pong."

I should never be allowed in public.

I had grand plans to go to Firehaus tonight for about five minutes. But then I drove up and parked and observed the obscenely long line. So I cut in line and promptly saw a girl who was sitting and barfing a lot. And Firehaus guys were walking around going, "Whose friend is she?" ("Where'd my beej go? I can't find it.) So then I texted J3 and went home. To not-my-home.

I'm dog sitting again and it's good. We're going running tomorrow. Me and Merlin. The dog. Tonight we're gonna schmurfle. AKA he'll snore and drool on my pillow but I'm okay with it. We get each other.

Earlier, Annah and Amy and I looked at a lot of pictures from the past. There were so many epitomes and it was nice. I really like thinking about how things were and I also really like thinking about how much we're not like that anymore.


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