Tuesday, December 9, 2008

For two days, I have had all my clean laundry on my bed, ready to be put away. I keep thinking that if it's on my bed, I will surely have to put it away before I go to sleep. But instead I just kind of shove it to the side and sleep on half of my bed.

In other news, I got drunk today and went to class. Three of my classmates were drunk too. It's a lot more exciting to do that when it's not Unofficial-- it's so cliché when everyone else is doing it, but today it felt like a big secret. Scandal! And my directing class is going to Murphy's tomorrow for class. Oops. Guess I'm drinking a lot these days.

My foot hurts, but not as bad as it did before. Hopefully it's healing itself and I can run again soon. I miss it.



Michelle said...

I always do that laundry thing. Then, next thing you know, it's two weeks later and the clothes are all wrinkly and you have to iron them or wash them again. I wish I weren't so lazy.

Also, what happened to your foot?

Kinzie said...

Dude, I don't know! It just hurts. But maybe it's getting better. It just kind of hurts when I walk. I have a physical with my doctor on Monday so I'll ask her about it but I think it's gonna be better by then.