Sunday, October 28, 2007

BLDs dot com

Last night, my goal was to party it up like a freshman. And, if I may say so myself, I was fairly successful in that endeavor.

My various tactics included:
-drinking a bit too much
-kissing a bit too much
-staying in character the entire night as jtlake

Results of these tactics:
-getting into a really intense fight with someone dressed up as Britney

Overall, I'd say it was a fairly successful night. Definitely a successful party, albeit the presence of the coppers half-way through. But it happens... As do BLDs. I've decided that every now and then, it's important to incorporate a BLD or two into one's life. Maybe not as many as I squeezed in last night, but like I said, it happens.

Plus, as I was indulging, pre-party, I thought about our motto for this year: No Regrets '07!

*Bad Life Decisions

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